Dr. Sofia Pantouvaki, Professor of Costume Design for Theatre and Film,
Costume in Focus research group founder and leader
MA Tua Helve, Doctoral candidate
MA Maarit Kalmakurki, Doctoral candidate
MA Heini Kiamiri, Doctoral candidate
MA Nadia Malik, Doctoral candidate / Course Leader BA (Hons) Costume Design and Making, Design for Performance, Nottingham Trent University
MA Alexandra Ovtchinnikova, Doctoral candidate
MFA Jorge Sandoval, Doctoral candidate
MA Merja Väisänen, University Lecturer in Costume Design, Aalto University
The team is currently based at the Department of Film, Television and Scenography, Aalto University, Finland
researchers employed at Aalto University
Dr. Elena Trencheva, Post-doctoral Researcher (Aalto University, 2013-2015)
DA Joanna Weckman, Post-doctoral Researcher (Aalto University, 2015-2016), earlier: Doctoral candidate (1999 – 2015)
Dr. Suzanne Osmond, Short-term Post-doctoral Researcher (Aalto University, 2017) & Senior Lecturer and Course Leader Common Subjects, National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA), Sydney, Australia
Dr. Phoenix Thomas, Short-term Post-doctoral Researcher (Aalto University, 2017) & independent scholar, UK
associate researchers
MA Iztok Hrga, Costume designer, doctoral candidate at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. Johanna Oksanen, Visiting Post-doctoral Researcher (Aalto University, 2015-2017)