
Critical Costume 2015: New Costume Practices and Performances presents contemporary costume practices and performances by thirty two artists-researchers from three continents and various artistic backgrounds. The works examine the performative qualities of material and form – whether physical, digital or virtual – and stimulate the audience’s thinking to reconsider the role of costume in contemporary performance by proposing new modes of representation as well as new artistic processes. Moreover, the selected works explore how the scenographic body is constructed on a spatial, temporal and conceptual level through body manipulation, material exploration, embodied design and its interpretation.

Exhibition Curator: Prof. Sofia Pantouvaki
Exhibition coordinator: Jorge Sandoval


Ines Alda: Second Skin
Rosemarie Allaert: Transformation 1 and 2
Susan T Avila. & Rui Xu: Connected by a Thread
Sidsel Bech: The Scenographic Costume
Katie Berford: Drawing Attention to Costume
Jessica Bugg: Optical Laces 2014
Alyssa Choat: Revelation through Concealment
Gabriella Daris: Lop Lop: WORD or WOman biRD Homage à Max Ernst & Arthur Rimbaud
Sally E. Dean: Something’s in the Living Room
Kegham Djeghalian: INTI-MATE
Claire Doyle: Documentation of the Ephemeral Costumes
Jörn Fröhlich: Steampunk Couture: Steampunk as a Creative Design Tool for a Crafted Future
Zsófia Geresdi: Costumes of ’Midsummer Night’s Dream’ – The Poetry of Nature
Daphne Karstens: ’PING’ (working title)
Denise Massman: Costumes for Characters Yet to Be Written – Mise-en-scène
Karolina Mazur: Costume Experience
Sofia Pantouvaki: Don Giovanni Giocoso
Giulia Pecorari: Ni Una Mas – Exploring Clothing as Psychological Armour
Liisa Pesonen: Grow
Sue Prescott: Seeing Sound, Hearing Light 2
Emma Ransley: InHABITing Dress
Simona Rybáková: Costume design by Simona Rybáková
Nermine Said: Khotoum’ or Seals
Ellen Sampson: Dance
Jorge Sandoval: Wearing the ’Other’
Anna Sinkkonen: Venditori
Natasa Stamatari: Plastic Eye Indian
Dawn Summerlin: Perceptive Fragility
Todd Welton-Oreggio (a.k.a. Frankie Knuckles): Performance Machine
Joost van Wijmen: ENCOUNTER#2
Charlotte Østergaard: INSIDE OUT