Joanna Weckman, MA, Graduate student in Aalto University. After graduating from the University of Art and Design in Helsinki she has worked as a freelancer costume designer for theatre, dance and opera. She is visiting lecturer in Costume Design, Department of Film, TV and Scenography in Aalto University, and has written several articles on the history of the costume design work and of costumes for stage and film. Currently writing a dissertation on actor-costume designer Liisi Tandefelt’s costume design work from 1958 to 1992. Visiting researcher and curator for costume exhibitions at the Theatre Museum in Finland.
Interested in the history of stage- and film costume, costume design and costume designers, performer´s experience of costume, interpretation and the workers of the costume departments specially in Finland but also internationally, values and ideals behind the costume and the design process, history of performance costume, costumes in the rituals, carnivals and masquerades, clothing as a magical object/artefact, women working with clothing, clothing and fashion history, oral history research, gender-studies, micro-history, museology…